Hamilton Classic News

Hamilton Classic Revolutionise Car Towing with Innovative New ‘Cover Hugger’ product
Designed in-house the revolutionary new car cover “Cover Hugger” started life on the drawing board, after it was discovered that a gap in the marke...

Portable Partying with Instant Marquees
The instant marquee is a multi-purpose, unlimitedly useful outdoor accessory. Designed with motor sporting enthusiasts in mind, instant marquees ar...

Absorber chamois available to buy now
With a tradition in the manufacture and racing of leading motor vehicles Britain is a car loving nation, and car enthusiasts across the country ad...

Moto-Lita Steering Wheels & ETB Guages
Two top UK car accessory manufacturers have appointed Hamilton Classic a distributor. They are Moto-Lita and ETB, whose products have a considerab...