Hamilton Classic News

NEC Classic Motorshow 2016 report
The season closer broke all records on attendance and we were there with car covers and event shelters.

Jay Leno reveals moving story behind his Triumph TR3A
Jay Leno, the American comedian, actor and television host has spoken openly about the truly moving story behind his Triumph TR3A in his latest tra...

Hamilton Classic and Motorsport TR7V8 flat out on Jersey Rally.
A great weekend rally on the island of Jersey with the Hamilton Classic rally Triumph TR7 V8.

FBHVC survey uncovers extent of classic car boom
The Federation of British Historic Vehicle Clubs announces its revealing industry survey.

Goodwood Revival 2016 – Car cover weather!
It was a but wet at times but we enjoyed meeting Hamilton Classic customers all the same.

Sign up for pre-show deals at the NEC Classic Motor Show 2016
Sign up to ensure you receive discounts ahead of the show.

Triumph World Magazine features Hamilton Classic & Motorsport TR7V8 rally car
Thanks to Triumph World magazine for featuring our car covers and rally car!

Classic and Sportscar Magazine releases 2016 Market Review
This report provides an interesting view on the current state of the classic car market.

Hamilton Classic helps ASDA raise money for charity
A great event raising money for charity through thrill rides. We were happy to oblige!

Silverstone Classic 2016 Report
The summer's motor racing spectacular lived up to all expectations.