Hamilton Classic help raise £12,101 at the Abingdon CAR-nival 2017
Abingdon Motorsport CAR-nival has grown into one of the largest and most popular clubman motorsport events in the country and aims to raise money for a couple of key local charities. Alastair Flack was at the event in the Hamilton Classic and Motorsport Triumph TR7V8 rally car undertaking some crucial testing in preparation for the Jersey Rally in October. We are proud to support local charities through motorsport at this fantastic event and a huge congratulations and thanks to the organisers and volunteersthat make this happen.
The weekend comprises of a two course sprint, a championship AutoSolo and a 70 mile stage rally. Attendees are treated to free camping and caravanning, a licensed bar, a great value BBQ and Pig Roast as well as entertainment from one of the top comedians from club-land (Adult humour is always a possibility) .
The organisation is taken care of by three motor clubs (Craven MC / Farnborough District MC / Sutton Cheam MC), CAR-nival and is supported by a further 30 Southern-based clubs.
In the last 20 years the even has raised in excess of £270,000 for Dalton Barracks and ‘The Friends of Stowford’.
This has meant that the daily ‘off-duty’ life of the soldiers serving at the adjacent Army Barracks are being enhanced as a direct result of the event. Dalton Barracks is a staging post for those either going on deployment or returning from overseas postings and so their ‘downtime’ is an important element of their service life in the armed forces.
Meanwhile, The Friends of Stowford provide local adults and teenagers with learning difficulties, with their important independence and education. The Abingdon Motorsport CAR-nival provided them with Mini Buses for day trips and outings, a specially-equipped holiday home near the sea and a superb Day Room, situated at the very heart of their local residences.
Monies are raised through donations as part of the entry fees for each element of CAR-nival but fundraising is also done through the popular Friends of Stowford BBQ on Saturday night as well as from the profits in the beer tent and all the other catering activities.
Organiser Barry Guess said on social media;
“Having now concluded all outstanding financial activities and received a full audit and approval on the accounts for the 2017 Abingdon Motorsport CAR-nival, I am pleased to report that the event will be making a charitable contribution to the 2 good causes totalling £12,101.
I believe that this takes our running total to in excess of £250,000 raised for charity and this years result is a remarkable achievement considering that we faced a shortfall in entry income of over £3,000 from the sprint event alone and had to absorb the additional costs and changes incurred due to the heightened security status.
Nevertheless, we can all agree that through the hard work, support and dedication of everyone concerned (Organisers, volunteers and competitors) we still continue to organise and promote one of the most unique multi-discipline events in the UK.”